Thursday 11 October 2012


Lecturer: Jacqui Dreessens
August 16, 2012

§  Using a memory as a stimulus
o   Could use school holidays, lesson experience
o   Talk to a partner about your experience
o   Students moved into a long line in front of mirror
o   Show one movement to sum up/illustrate your number
o   Come up with a second movement  - maybe facing a different direction or different level
o   Share movements with others in a group
§  Learn each other’s movements

§  Spatial organisation
o   Moving around the space
o   Interacting with others through movement
o   Levels
o   What is the focus? Body part?

§  Transitional movements
o   In-between movements to create flow
§  UNISON – all members perform movements together
§  CONTRAST – creating shapes to show a large difference to another
§  Contrast in group arrangement: one part of the group will do movements while the remaining members will do contrasting movements in a different way/different level/direction etc
§  CANNON (like an ocean wave)– explore the use of time fast/slow
§  Finally put the three sections together: UNISON>CONTRAST>CANNON.
§  Exploration of transitional movements as each group comes into the middle as the other group moves exits the middle.
o   Keeps your intention clear.
§  Group then moved back into individual arrangement
§  As a large group walking around the space, count to 10 then hold your shape.
§  Each choreographed item needed to include GLEFTS
  •  Gesture
  •  Locomotion
  •  Elevation
  •  Falling
  • Turning
  •  Stillness

§  Next count your original number ie. 7 when walking. Walk for seven pronounce paces then stop at 7 and hold your shape
§  Group walking in a clockwise direction, march/ walk like you are in a routine then walk into your group spatial arrangement creating interaction and using the space to find group members.
1.    Change spatial arrangement with one group at a time moving into the middle and performing their arrangement (all other groups remaining still)
2.    Then all groups perform their arrangement one more time at the same time
3.    When finished this walk in circle again and slowly individuals walk to the middle and hold a pose.

1.    Theme: Reaction to teaching rounds
2.     Stimulus: word, emotion, number, shape, gesture
3.    Express intention or rational
4.    Creative process: go about making dance
ISARE: Creative Process of Making up Dance
§  IMPROVISED: experimental, questions, collaboration
§  SELECTION: selecting movement – what looks good, trial ideas and decide what to keep
§  ARRANGE: arrange this space, group symmetry, structures: unison, contrast, cannon
§  REFINEMENT: rehearse so remember movement, is this working etc, throw out ideas and keep what you want
§  EVALUATE: do you like what you’ve done , if not how do you change it

Group reflection:
How effective was the unison, contrast and cannon? What looked good? What would you change if you had to do it again?
Group suggestions:           
§  Change some of the transitions
§  Change spatial positions
§  Have to have smooth transitions
§  Transition to middle, how to enter and exit
§  Ending position – hard to hold for a long time
Ending position is important as it is the last thing people see, it is what they remember.

Site-specific Dance

Tai Chi

·      Ancient dance performed by the Chinese
·      Promotes connections to the Earth’s elements
o   A lotus flower blossoming towards the sun
·      Used to channel the Earth’s energy

·      Ancient Indian dance
·      Promotes connections to the Earths elements
·      Used to channel the Earth’s energy

In The School Setting

The ideas presented in this workshop could be adapted to satisfy the dance requirements in VELS across the school.  While associating movement with feelings is listed as a focus in Level 3, students would be able to achieve this type of movement in the early years classrooms as it is based on memory and reflection.

The outdoors dances such as Tai Chi and Yoga would be useful from grades 3-6 as these methods of dance are found to be very peaceful and calming which may come in handy at certain time during the school year.  As these styles also involve a large amount of history and tradition they would also be able to be incorporated into Humanities units were the focus is on other cultures.

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